This course has allowed hundreds, if not thousands of people, to cruise through their interviews for big jobs in the industry.
Get inside your interviewers head from the get go!
Immediately build rapport and a solid impression?
Feeling under prepared? We know how far recruiters are willing to go.
How to close the gap between your current skills and the job you're going for?
Zoom meeting, in person, group style?? Feel confident on interviews in any setting!
These 9 questions and answers will put you far ahead of the competition.
A smart investment of your time when you consider:
It will give you all, and the ONLY information that you need to finally get through that next interview process
You will not waste money and time unnecessarily searching around or spending thousands of dollars on interview coaching
No chance of you giving up in frustration with our support
FIFO will increase your salary considerably.
This gives your prospects the opportunity to 'test' you out, check you out and see if they like you, your content and your style risk-free - to EXPERIENCE your fabulousness for themselves.
Once you have the email address, your relationship-building, nurturing and sales process can commence (on auto-pilot, if you've done it right!) 😉
HOW do you actually set up the page and opt-in form in the first place?
HOW do you actually DELIVER the free 'thing' automatically?
HOW do you automatically send that email saying 'hello, here's your free thing'?!
You'll be pleased to know that it is much easier than it sounds, and anyone can do it - even if you are as tech-savvy as a potato.
If you're sick of being told that you have to spend a fortune on licences to get your foot into the mining door this is for you.
If being knocked-back hundreds of times for even entry level cleaning jobs is getting you down this is for you.
In just 9 lessons you're going to learn what an entry level mining job is, the 5 best jobs that ANYONE who meets the minimum criteria can get, the qualifications that you actually DO need, how to set yourself up to get one of these jobs, the best platform to find these jobs and 5 of the best strategies to give you a significant advantage over every other candidate applying for these jobs.
A breakdown of why people have the wrong idea about "entry-level" mining jobs.
The method you can use so you don't become a statistic and get stung thousands of dollars on useless mining tickets,
A break-down of each of these 5 jobs including a job description, the rosters, what you need to get each specific job and what they pay.
A walk-through of exactly what searches you need to use to find these jobs.
The 5 best methods to put you ahead of every other candidate that might try applying for your job.
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